Progetto Lavoro

Sviluppa il tuo futuro professionale con il nostro supporto e le nostre opportunità di crescita.

Progetto Lavoro

Sviluppo professionale per giovani disoccupati e inoccupati.

photo of three men jumping on ground near bare trees during daytime
photo of three men jumping on ground near bare trees during daytime
tilt-shift photography of shoes
tilt-shift photography of shoes
man in blue and white soccer jersey shirt and black shorts running on green grass field
man in blue and white soccer jersey shirt and black shorts running on green grass field
man in brown jacket and brown pants standing beside brown wooden boat on rocky hill during
man in brown jacket and brown pants standing beside brown wooden boat on rocky hill during
caution area map
caution area map
three people sitting in front of table laughing together
three people sitting in front of table laughing together